Friday, October 19, 2012


for having nothing to do, i am sure busy!  and that's great...last week kerry and austin flew in for a surprise visit!  they had fall break and their camping trip was, they came home instead...we went to disneyland, saw some movies, went out a lot...shopped...they went to the beach...just was wonderful to have them here..last week the weather pretended to be fall for a couple of got me in the mood to bake..yesterday i had the missionaries for dinner, so i made a carrot cake, peggy's delicious banana bread with chocolate chips and coconut..yum! between the baking and making dinner, my friend lissa showed me how to make these little baby beanies...they are so easy and quick...i'm having a struggle to she showed me the loom version....she makes a bunch of them and donates them to the hospital for newborns...i think that's a great idea and think i will do that, a new project!!!  always looking for something to do!!


  1. Hi, Jolyn--
    I have just had a wonderful time catching up on your last couple of months! Grand places with your grand kids. All that sun and fun. Nice :)

    I think those little looms for the baby hats is a great idea. They are really cute and for the most part pretty easy. I learned to "finish" the hat on youtube. I love youtube--you can learn anything. Pick a hobby, ir something you want to learn. 98% chance that someone has taped themselves doing it!


thanks for making my day with your thoughts...