Monday, August 20, 2007

last trip of the summer

wish the drive looked like this....
but, it mostly looked like this...
so we're on our last trip of the summer...and it's not a trip to some of them...we drove up to salt lake to bring kerry and russ back to school or to school in kerry's was an ok drive.if you like desert, hot roads, vegas, more desert, beign squished in a crowded car....kerry drove most of the way , for about 9 hours of it...then i finished she did a good job...russ was on his own...then kelly and jeff drove their truck with russies new toy, his i'll be up here for a couple of that will be fun....kerry's excited to move in to her new apt...russ is still looking for a place...he didn't want to start to early...the day school starts is good enough! so now wer'e just getting kerry's stuff out of the way so we can go play! our driveway looks like a car lot...everyone has their own car up here...but, it's fun to have everyone together...salt lake in the summer is so mountains are beautiful..buying the fresh tomatoes, peaches, berries..maybe going on the alpine slide...boys going mountain we should have a good time....and then i'll go home and plan my next trip!!


  1. have fun...sorry we missed each other so narrowly!!! it would be fun to get together...

  2. What a fun time for everyone. I love Utah summers too.

  3. Funny...I think August in Utah is brown and too hot. I am so anxious for fall.

  4. when oma says 'brown + hot' she's talking about you miss jo! anyway, i can't wait to see you and your cute family.

  5. I have never had good peaches like you get in UT in the summertime. How fun for you to be all with those kiddies of yours!

  6. Oh that road to Utah is a long one! but what an exciting time. I remember being at BYU and each fall the air is just electric as school starts. Good Luck everyone!


thanks for making my day with your thoughts...