Wednesday, October 10, 2007

we're all different

gav and his turkish friends
kerry's home for a long weekend which is really we went to see the show sydney was a cute, silly little show, the point of it being that she takes on the "popular, mean girl".....but, what i thought was really good was that through the hardships sydney had in not being accepted by the "in" crowd, she made alot of friends with people that were out of her circle...she learned about different people and even though they were different, she realized that they could be friends...she learned the importance of accepting others no matter what they are like...i think that's such a good lesson and i know i've written about friends before, but i do believe it's an important topic to think, as we go through our lives we meet people, become friends...and usually you end up with a group of friends that are "like" you...which is's fun to have friends that think like yourself...but, it's also fun to have friends that are different...we can learn so much from people that are really opens up your life...that's another reason blogging is so much fun....we get to know alot of people....their views, their values, how they helps you broadens our lives to make us better hopefully, wherever we are in our lives...we will be open to others...we will smile at others, say hi to those people we pass everyday, whether it's at class, at the store, at the gym...have a party to introduce your old friends with your new..make your circle just a little bit will make your life a more interesting adventure....


  1. We used to live in a neighborhood where we were all a lot alike. I think neighborhoods are like that because the houses are in a basic price bracket, so people of similar income, education, etc. end up living by each other. Living downtown, even in only a medium sized city, gives me a lot of different neighbors. I have people of several different races, ethnic customs and clothing styles as well as languages riding the elevators with me. It's fun to be surrounded by a variety of people.

  2. i love that pic of gavin. the best part was when the kids tried to grab whit's boob!

  3. That is one of the main things I miss here....different cultures and religions. I miss my California neighbors with all the different walks of life and views!!

  4. Hi Jo! This blogging world is nuts...Ive come across so many people with blogs within the last few days! But I'm glad you found me! I hope I do good as camp director, I'm a little nervous. Keep in touch!

  5. Marta and I went to this movie last night at your recommendation. It was very cute...good message!

  6. I'm glad we're friends and that you blog. Otherwise, I would have to get up from my seat at church, and actually have to walk over to you to mingle for a flash minute before being herded to my next room. Blogging gives me much more time to get to know you. Is this a disappointment? Oh--and I'm so happy for your new adventure with the Young Women!


thanks for making my day with your thoughts...