Sunday, October 28, 2007

what time is it??????

what happens when you are sooooooo organized that you even have an automatic clock? i'll tell you...when it "used" to be the day that daylight savings still changes.....and when you wake up late know the rest.....didn't quite make it to church...until the 3rd hour....oh week...same time...same station?


  1. same thing happened to me.. luckily church is at 1... more than enough time.

  2. I know...I wish the time had changed. It is black as midnight when I'm dragging my kids out of bed at 7:00 am. Very annoying...

  3. I know...I wish the time had changed. It is black as midnight when I'm dragging my kids out of bed at 7:00 am. Very annoying...

  4. I am so glad they have extended the day light savings. I don't like dark at 4:00 pm in the winter. It means dinner at two pm and starting to get ready for bed at 3...I need the sun!

  5. I would like to have your clock. Anything that lets me sleep through church HAS to be a good thing.


thanks for making my day with your thoughts...