Monday, April 26, 2010

khwai river sun/mon

today was a slow day....started raining in the night...for being the dry season, we’ve sure had alot of rain! we were supposed to get up at 5:30 for our game drive...but, it was pouring, then kerry started throwing up...don’t know if she has the flu or if it’s from eating, we all slept in...she’s been sick all day...they’ve been very helpful...they gave her some pills, then a shot to stop the far it’s i’ve just been hanging out with her...we also had 2 big spiders, and now a squirrel in our room...guess we are camping! i can hear hippos outside...that’s stopped raining about 12 so russ went on the afternoon game drive...hope he sees some animals...well, more later...

russ saw a big herd, maybe 50 elephants on their drive...he said is was fun to see so is monday...kerry is better...we all got up for the game was a bit slow...our guide, leopard, says it's because of the rain, the animals don't have to come to the watering holes...but, we saw elephants, croc, lizard, eagles..a cool hippo skeleton, jackal...we also saw a village..houses are made of tin cans and mud...a big truck was stuck on a wooden log bridge, guess it was too heavy...leopard says people camp in the park...they have tents that open on the top of their cars and they sleep up there! that's all for now...

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  1. It all looks so amazing! Something you see on tv but never believe its real. Glad you guys are having an incredible time!

  2. You remind me of Bear Grils. Except you don't have to make your own drinking water. This is all unbelievable!

  3. What cool photos!!!!! Sorry that Kerry was sick. Even if it's been raining, it all looks just beautiful.


thanks for making my day with your thoughts...