Tuesday, April 17, 2007

love vs. hate

grandma bagley at 87 with lilacs from her yard...

in reading marta's blog about 5 hearts and 5 hates...i thought i would list mine....

1. spring flowers...my favs are lilacs...i remember walking to school and smelling all the lilacs along the way...i saw some today in the store...they don't grow so well here...and it just made me happy to see them.

2. my kids...just getting back from our trip and thinking how fun it is to be all together...i just love it and them. how did i get so lucky?

3. my dogs sophie and sadie, my cat gracie...this might seem strange, especially if you know them...they can really be pains...but, they are my friends...especially because kerry is gone this week...so they are keeping me company.

4. i love to read...i love how books can just take you away...you are a part of that life..i love to think about them after i'm done with it...i'm almost sad to start a new book...but, then, i'm gone again.

5. being with good friends...how fun is that? it's the greatest...why can we sit and talk and talk and talk for hours and hours, only to start over again the next day? it's wonderful...

those are just a few of my favs...now on to my things i hate.....


1. going anywhere, it could be a store, an airline, a restaurant...and the people don't help you....THEY just sort of look at you and go on talking or whatever...it drives me crazy! i think i'll SCREAM!

2. obnoxious people....usually they are loud, never stop talking...it's annoying...

3. losing things...i hate to lose something...trying to remember where it is...

4. stupidity..now, i'm sure i've done some stupid things in my life...but, i hate it when people just act so stupid.

5. looks like most of my hates are about people...but, i'll add one more hate that's not about people...i really don't like bugs...cockroaches, worms, snakes, bees...creepy crawly things..ugh...

so there you go...my likes and dislikes for the day.....i think i'll just concentrate on the good things in life.....think of a yummy chocolate or creamy dreamy ice cream...or a beautiful flower or a gorgeous day....now that makes me happy.....

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